How does Tlaloc compare to other server management tools?

Feature Tlaloc Puppet Chef Nagios Shinken Ansible (new find!)
Source codePHP 5.x,7.x & some bashLimited open-source & Prop.?compiled C codePHPPython?Python
Var typesLooseStrictLoose (we assume)LooseLoose
Language ConstructPHP!RubyRubyPHPPython+YAMLHuman to Python/XML*
Backslash handlingEverything as it should bex2
Repository setupsimplehighly complex?
Recipe Executionpull, pushpullpull, pushpull?ssh pushssh push/pull
Licensing modelBSDlicensedlicensedlicensedlicensedApache 2.0
Pricefree?free, limitedfree, limitedfree, limitedfree, limitednot freefree
Max, proportional to management infrastructure
Node Bootstrappingany typeany typenonenone
Node OSUnix onlyany typeUnixUnix
Node Cluster Joinauto-detectrole typecastinghead orchestration--orchestrationoutside-the-box a bit
VM supportOpenBSD VM*any?through libraries
Storage Managementfile sharding avail. & p2p (R&D)build your ownthrough libraries
Node imaging & restoreshellB&R recipesthrough libraries & sweat
Partition imaging & restoreshellB&R recipesno???through libraries & sweat
Kernel buildsrecipe included for OpenBSDB&R recipesnothrough libraries & sweat
CRON agent (for server config)yesyesyesprop.yesthrough libraries
CRON agent (for job processing)yesnothrough libraries
Monitoring agentyesPlugin???prop.???nrpe/nagiosconcept is test-case-driven approach
Message Queueyesnononononothrough libraries
Crypto supportyes, Sodiumplugins???no???depends on OSthrough libraries
Application Jail & Chrootingyes, BUILT-IN! (**)through recipes???nomaybeorchestrationthrough libraries
DHCP Serviceincluded, on OpenBSDproprietary????nomaybedepends on OSthrough libraries
IDS integrationin project; p2p blockchain-based tamper-proof reportingpluginpluginnomaybenonot in the box
Adaptive Counter-Measuresin the works; beta recipes availableB&R & Plugins & Third partiesidemnonot in the box
(*) : currently supported are OpenBSD VMs within an OpenBSD OS. Looking forward to support Hyper-V VMs on Windows. (**) : if using OpenBSD and the File->Jail() utility. Some porting might be needed for other platforms (minor stuff really).